NaNoWriMo Winner 2014

I haven’t blogged in a while, because I’ve been a very busy girl. I participated in National Novel Writing Month…50,000 words in 30 days.

And I did it…Yay!


And I actually finished four days early.

Just before midnight on November 26, I validated my word count at National Novel Writing Month – with 52, 617 words. When I started, I really didn’t think I’d finish…at all!!!

I was just hoping it would motivate me to write, because I was being a huge procrastinator. Always putting everything before my writing, always telling myself, when I finish this…I’ll write, or when I finish that…I’ll do some writing, but it would never happen. By the end of the night, I’d be exhausted and then tell myself…I’ll do it tomorrow.

I’ve learned a lot, during this experience. Not only about writing, but about myself too. I started out doing really well, but then I hit a slump in the middle of the month. I lost steam…energy, lost focus, and then I got lost! I had no idea where I was going.


Usually, when I’m lost…it makes me stop writing. I don’t like not knowing where I’m going, which is kind of weird considering I’m a pantser…who’s trying to be a plotter. But this time I didn’t stop. I kept going with the help of my husband, my family, my friends, my FB friends and my FB writing group 10 Minute Novelists, who cheered me on and encouraged me to keep going.

Somewhere along this journey…I realized that I could actually do it. Something inside me kicked in, and gave me the power and the strength to finish this race.

I'm getting there

It wasn’t easy!

I dragged myself through the mud, and crawled to the finish line.

I wasn’t going to give up, no matter what!

so tired

By the end of National Novel Writing Month, I was totally exhausted! My brain needed a vacation. I was hoping for a little rest, but orders were coming in from my Etsy Shop.

So, I had to start processing and shipping orders. No rest for me yet!

One thought on “NaNoWriMo Winner 2014

  1. Pingback: I did it…Yay! | Raven Hill Pottery

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